Thursday, February 2, 2017

Do you BIRG - Bask In Reflective Glory?

You need a PhD in Pyschology to understand sports fans, short for fanatics.  That's not me talking, its the pop magazine Psychology Today and their website's section called Sport and Competition.

In the section is an article by Susan Kraus Whitbourne, PhD entitled The Pyschology of Sports Fans.

Here's what she says about the why we want to brag about a series sweep:

First, let's look at "BIRGing." This term is not a typo of an eating disorder, but applies to the phenomenon called "Basking in Reflected Glory." When your team is doing well, you feel great.  Research shows that on the day after a team's win, people feel better about themselves. They say "we" won, and by "we," they don't mean themselves, personally. The closer you identify with the team, the more likely you are to BIRG. People who BIRG also are more likely to wear their team's regalia on the day after a victory., 

BIRG ON... MY FRIENDS! by waving your SWEEP flag.

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